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EuroPython 2009 Talks Schedule

Sunday 28th June 2009

Library Theatre Shakespeare Room Lecture Room 3 CBSO Ratcliff Room
Talk Panel Plenary Event Meeting etc Tutorial Break
09:00 Tutorial Registration and Coffee
09:15 Python Foundation Class
John Pinner,
Nick Booker
Developing with IronPython
Michael Foord,
Jonathan Hartley
Nevow and Stan
Jacob Hallén
Kamaelia:Pragmatic Concurrency
Michael Sparks
10:45 Break
11:00 Python Foundation Class Developing with IronPython Nevow and Stan Kamaelia:Pragmatic Concurrency
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Python Foundation Class Using Python's Turtle to Teach
Gregor Lingl
JavaScript for Python users
Jonathan Fine
Hands-on testing with TextTest
Geoffrey Bache
15:30 Break
15:45 Python Foundation Class Using Python's Turtle to Teach JavaScript for Python users Hands-on testing with TextTest
17:15 Close for Day

Monday 29th June 2009

Band Room New Lecture Theatre Lecture Room 1 Arena Foyer
Talk Panel Plenary Event Meeting etc Tutorial Break
09:00 Tutorial Registration and Coffee
09:15 Reusable components in PyGTK
Ali Afshar
Pyjamas: Simple RIA Web apps
Luke Leighton,
Bernd Dorn
Persistent Objects with ZODB
Christian Theune
The Coder's Dojo
Emily Bache
10:45 Break
11:00 Reusable components in PyGTK Pyjamas: Simple RIA Web apps Persistent Objects with ZODB The Coder's Dojo
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Working with Excel Files in Python
Chris Withers
Pyjamas: Simple RIA Web apps Rapid testing with py.test
Holger Krekel
Code Clinic
David Jones,
Michael Foord,
John Pinner
15:30 Break
15:45 Working with Excel Files in Python Pyjamas: Simple RIA Web apps Rapid testing with py.test Code Clinic
17:15 Bag Stuffing and Preparation for Registration by Volunteers

Tuesday 30th June 2009

 Adrian Boult  Hall Recital Hall  New Lecture  Theatre Arena Foyer Lecture Room 1 Band Room BoF Point
Talk Panel Plenary Event Meeting etc Tutorial Break
08:00 Registration and Coffee
09:00 Welcome, Adrian Boult Hall
10:00 The Zen of Web
Ville Säävuori
Acceptance Testing with RobotFramework
Pekka Klärck
PyPy - Complete and Fast
Armin Rigo,
Samuele Pedroni,
Antonio Cuni
Introducing FluidDB
Terry Jones
GIL isn't evil
Russel Winder
Python and Nuke
Goncalo Carvalho
10:30 QCake 3d Game Maker and Python
Horst JENS
11:00 Break
11:30 Crowdsourcing with Django
Simon Willison
Text-based Acceptance Testing Using TextTest
Geoffrey Bache
Jumping worlds with Python
Thomas Bleier,
Bojan Bozic
Twisted, AMQP and Thrift
Esteve Fernandez
The Zen of Pyjamas
Luke Leighton
gSculpt 3d Modeller
Geoffrey French
12:15 Python ain't no snake oil
Harald Armin Massa
DSL for Functional Testing
Mark Fink
Snakebite: The Open Network
Trent Nelson
MongoDB in the "Real World"
Mike Dirolf
RjDj + Python = Reality morph for the iPhone
Chris McCormick
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Keynote: Cory Doctorow, Adrian Boult Hall
15:30 Lipstick on a Pig
Matt Hamilton
John Cobo
A Better Python for the JVM
Tobias Ivarsson
Search with Python and Xapian
Richard Boulton
Compiling Python with Byte Coat
Andreas Löscher
Twittering with Python
Andreas Schreiber
16:15 XML Document Publishing
PyUseCase: Testing PyGTK GUIs
Geoffrey Bache
Web Frameworks and Jython
Frank Wierzbicki
Using the Modular Toolkit for Data Processing (MDP) Library
Niko Wilbert
Real world App Engine Projects
Bernd Dorn
FilterPype framework
Rob Collins
Silva Roundtable
Kit Blake
17:00 Break
17:30 Mashing up The Guardian
Michael Brunton-Spall
Testing in Python with py.test
Holger Krekel
HotPy - A High Performance Python VM
Mark Shannon
Open Object Framework
Fabien Pinckaers
Pyjamas and Django
Luke Leighton
Cluster Programming with PIPPER
Kyle Ellrott
18:00 PLY and PyParsing
Andrew Dalke
Python to Javascript and Back
Bernd Dorn
18:30 Flickr for formulas
Jonathan Fine
Testing Javascript with py.test
Samuele Pedroni
Optimisation in HotPy
Mark Shannon
Python and CouchDB
Mikeal Rogers
Reliable Python Web Sites
Andreas Kaempf
Zope Page Templates
Matt Hamilton
19:00 Finish

Wednesday 1st July 2009

 Adrian Boult  Hall Recital Hall  New Lecture  Theatre Arena Foyer Lecture Room 1 Band Room BoF Point
Talk Panel Plenary Event Meeting etc Tutorial Break
08:30 Coffee
09:00 Keynote: Bruce Eckel, Adrian Boult Hall
10:00 TurboGears: a framework reborn
Mark Ramm
Mixing Python and Java
Andreas Schreiber
The MOAI Server
Kit Blake
Linker: The “bolt-on JIT”
Damien Diederen
Python Climate Data Publishing
Henning Bergmeyer
Open Space
10:30 Break
11:00 We need to fail... and we need to fail quickly.
Bea Düring
ArcGIS and IronPython
Alex Willmer
Psyco V2 - Generators Welcome!
Christian Tismer
Ctypes Tips and Techniques
Greg Holling
Semantic Apps with CubicWeb
Nicolas Chauvat
Open Space
11:45 Unittest: It ain't broke; lets fix it!
Jonathan Lange
Unconference Panel
Steve Holden - a Teaching Tool
Gregor Lingl
Python VM Panel
Michael Foord,
Damien Diederen,
Armin Rigo
Tapping into the Web of Data
Cosmin Basca
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Bletchley Park: Dr Sue Black and Simon Greenish, Adrian Boult Hall
15:00 Using Windmill
Mikeal Rogers
What Sucks About Python
David Jones
Improving Client-side HTTP
Ivo Timmermans
Open ERP
Fabien Pinckaers
Introduction to PyObjC
Orestis Markou
Open Space
15:30 Python Coin: Making Money with Free Software
Stani Michiels
GPG Keysigning
16:00 Break
16:30 Lightning Talks, Adrian Boult Hall
17:30 Keynote: Sir Tony Hoare, Adrian Boult Hall
18:30 Finish

Thursday 2nd July 2009

 Adrian Boult  Hall Recital Hall  New Lecture  Theatre Arena Foyer Lecture Room 1 Band Room BoF Point
Talk Panel Plenary Event Meeting etc Tutorial Break
08:30 Coffee
09:30 Decorator and Metaclass Metaprogramming
Bruce Eckel
Introduction to IronPython
Michael Foord
Distributed Programming Made Easy with py.execnet
Holger Krekel
SCons the Builder
Russel Winder
OSS, BSS and Python
Tobias Rundström
Open Space
10:00 Ironclad: Hubris and Laziness
William Reade
10:30 Break
11:00 Things I Helped Create
Martijn Faassen
Castles in the Cloud
Kevin Noonan
The Clean Code Challenge
Emily Bache
Python for System Admin
John Pinner
The visual_studio.vim Plugin
Michael Graz
Open Space
11:30 Corporate FOSS
Tobias Rundström
12:00 Pythonic Filesystem APIs
Tommi Virtanen
Python, .NET and the Weather
Patrick Büchler
Loving Old Versions of Python
David Jones
Software Apprenticeship
Christian Theune
12:30 Lunch
14:00 The PSF and Us: Steve Holden, Adrian Boult Hall
15:00 Lightning Talks, Adrian Boult Hall
15:30 Break
16:00 Lightning Talks, Adrian Boult Hall
17:00 Prize Draw and Close, Adrian Boult Hall
17:30 Finish: That's All, Folks