EuroPython : a Python Conference
EuroPython 2009 - 28th June to 4th July 2009, Birmingham, UK
Announcement : Nearly There
With only a short time to go and over 420 delegates booked so far EuroPython 2009 is nearly upon us. We are still accepting registrations online and will continue to do so up until the last minute. However we stop accepting hotel bookings on Saturday 27th June.
Announcement : Talks and Tutorials
The Talks Schedule has been published! Thanks to our speakers who have submitted so many fine talks. Will everyone planning to sprint before or after EuroPython 2009 please sign up to the sprints on the Wiki Sprint Page.
Announcement : Keynote Speakers
We are pleased to announce our keynote speakers:
- Bruce Eckel - prolific computer programming author and communicator,
- Cory Doctorow - science fiction novelist, blogger and technology activist,
- Professor Sir Tony Hoare - renowned computer scientist,
EuroPython 2009 - Registration Open
Registration has opened, and you can book your hotel at the same time as registering for EuroPython Register Here.
What is EuroPython ?
EuroPython is a conference all about the Python programming language, it's aimed at the Python community: Python users and programmers, of all skill levels. EuroPython is the born cool Python conference.

What will be included in the Programme ?
We're planning talks, lightning talks and tutorials as well as social events, and we've arranged space for sprints after the conference. The tutorials are a unique opportunity for some concentrated Python training.
When and Where will it be held ?
EuroPython 2009 will be held from Sunday 28th June to Saturday 4th July at the Birmingham Conservatoire. The core conference is from Tuesday 30th June to Thursday 2nd July, preceded by 2 days of tutorials and followed by developers' sprints.

What's that ?
The School of Music at the Birmingham City University. It has excellent facilities for our conference, and is in short walking distance of train and coach stations and hotels at all price levels.
Don't be square - be there! Plan your diary around EuroPython now!
How much will it cost me ?
We are keeping costs to a minimum: you can see more details on the Registration and Booking Page. There are concessionary rates for the young and old, and hotels available at all price points, see the Accommodation Page. If you wish, you can save on accommodation costs by looking at this wiki Page.
Outline Programme
- Sunday 28th June and Monday 29th June : Tutorial Days and Sprints
- Tuesday 30th June to Thursday 2nd July : Conference
- Friday 3rd Julyand Saturday 4th July : Sprints
Jazz fans will be glad to know that EP 2009 will be followed by the Birmingham International Jazz Festival.
Who's organising EuroPython ?
The conference is being run by the EuroPython Society, with local organisation by the PyCon UK Society. All the organisers are volunteers from within the Python community, if you wish to join in sign up to, the mailing list we use for planning the conference.
I'm a member of the Python Community:
How can I Help ?
Contact the organisers! We'd like talks, tutorials and lots of help organising this event.